Join us for upcoming events!

POSTPONED - Gleaning Wisdom from Our Neighbors: 2024 Annual Gathering

May 16, 2024
Tolmie State Park, Lower Shelter

Dear friends, 

We’re sorry to announce that we need to POSTPONE our event on Thursday evening, May 16th, due to unforeseen circumstances. 

We look forward to our annual gathering as an opportunity to come together to celebrate and to share gratitude and love for the work we collectively make possible in our community. We’re sad to miss this opportunity with you all this week, and sometimes life happens and we need to change course. We are working on finding other ways to celebrate with you this spring and summer. We’ll be in touch with more details soon, so keep an eye out! 

Thank you for your understanding. Enjoy this beautiful week and we look forward to celebrating with you soon! 

Until soon,

Elaine & Meg and the Window Seat Media Board

Celebrating our community engagement this past year with our dear supporters

Want to join us? RSVP or email

WHEN - Thursday, May 16th, 2024, 5-8:30 p.m.

Beach walk begins at 5:00 P.M.

Program begins at 6:30 P.M.

Arrive early for a guided story-sharing walk on the Sandy Beach Trail, a 0.6 mile mostly-flat out-and-back trail north along the beach just inside the trees. Enjoy appetizers and desserts, participate in a raffle, and come celebrate community relationships with us.

WHERE - Tolmie State Park, Lower Shelter

7730 61st Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98506

Land of the Nisqually Indian Tribe


Slow down, connect with friends, share gratitude, and replenish in the outdoors. Through the power of community storytelling, we'll glean bits of wisdom from one another. This year's program highlights our Community Roots Oral History Project, and themes of community, innovation, education, and spaces of belonging. Engage with us around these themes and other news from our 2024 Annual Report. Celebrate what we’ve built together this past year and get excited about what’s to come in 2025!


This is the time of year when we celebrate our community, share how we’ve invested your dollars into the community,  and ask for your continued financial support. Your contribution pays directly to support our community oral history projects and community events, exhibits, workshops, and performances that bring people together around our shared love for story! 

We appreciate contributions of all kinds! There are three ways you can give: 1. Become a subscriber, 2. Make a one-time donation by buying an event ticket, and 3. Buy a Day-of-Raffle ticket. Free is one of the ticket levels. We’re excited to grow our monthly subscriber program and will give you an opportunity to pledge at the gathering. If you don’t want to wait, you can become a recurring donor or boost your existing subscription right now through our subscription sign-up page. If this is your first time and you’d like help setting up a subscription, let us know! If you’re already a subscriber, or “Friend of Community Storytelling,” thank you! YOU ROCK!


From May 9th - 23rd, 2024, we’re campaigning for new subscribers to join our Friends of Community Storytelling program. Subscribing is an easy way to support the community-based oral history and storytelling programming you love. This year, we have some cool incentives for subscribers:

  • ‍Friends - $5+/ month, $60+/ year: Window Seat Media annual themed pin
  • ‍Neighbors - $10+/ month, $120/ year: Community Roots bookmark
  • ‍Connectors - $25+/ month, $300/ year: Window Seat Media annual themed tote bag
  • ‍Cultivators - $50+/ month, $600/ year: Community Roots letterpress print (design by Aïcha El Beloui)
  • ‍Champions - $100+/ month, $1,200+/ year: TBD, but you know it’s gonna be good

If we reach the following new subscriber goals, as a thank you, we will be doing some fun things!

  • We welcome 5 new subscribers: Meg draws one person at random who would like to receive a personalized ephemera card with collage materials (you contribute lots of these) and a hand-created main image of your choice.
  • We welcome 10 new subscribers: Elaine draws two people at random who would like to receive one loaf of Vetebrod (Swedish coffee bread)
  • We welcome 20+ new subscribers: We draw one person at random who would like to receive an hour-long free consultation for your next storytelling or oral history project with Meg and Elaine.

CARPOOLING AND PARKING - Can you offer a ride? Do you need a ride?

We recommend carpooling whenever possible, as parking at Tolmie is limited and all vehicles must have a Discover Pass upon arrival ($10/vehicle/day or $30/vehicle/year). Fill out this brief Carpool Interest Form and we’ll help coordinate ride-shares to and from the event.


This is an in-person event in an indoor space with windows and good airflow. We ask that all community members are vaccinated against COVID-19 and mask at their discretion. Our cap occupancy is 50 registrations. Please use the above form to submit requests for other accommodations, access needs, or dietary restrictions. We want to make sure everyone has a way to and from the event and an enjoyable and safe time.