Window Seat Invites New Board Members

Window Seat Media is a worker self-directed nonprofit. Our organizational structure, including our intentionally small board of 4-6 people, is modeled after the Sustainable Economies Law Center. Board members serve as the "eyes and ears" of the organization. Their primary role is as a sounding board and guide; generator of ideas and possibilities; and connector of people, places, and ideas to strengthen programs and increase impact.
We are an unconventional group trying to do things a bit differently. We're seeking 1-3 new members who are interested in the same. We are especially interested in people who are working in secondary or higher education, history or heritage, or are direct service providers. We are interested in expanding our work to engage with communities outside of Olympia. We are committed to sustaining Board representation that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve. We especially encourage folks who are historically underrepresented in positions of organizational leadership to apply.
Board member time commitment is about 2 hours a month. Terms are 2 years, beginning in the Spring (Mar/Apr meeting). Board members may choose to do a second term. We meet every other month for about 2 hours. We gather over a meal at someone's home. Our meetings may include a little pre-meeting food for thought (like an essay or podcast) to spark conversation. Most of the work done by the Board is done at the meeting or to prepare for the meeting. Window Seat does not have standing committees, but each Board member holds an oversight role - Financial, Worker Governance, Legal, and Mission. If more than four Board members serve on the Board, roles can be shared by more than one Board member.
You can read more about Board duties and roles here.
If you are interested, please get in touch with Elaine Vradenburgh at