2022 Annual Community Storytelling Gathering & Fundraiser
Join us for an annual fundraising event honoring and deepening our community relationships.
You’re invited to this special gathering celebrating community love of storytelling! Come slow down with us and connect with friends, replenish in the outdoors, and enjoy appetizers, desserts, music, and a raffle. Arrive early for a guided story-sharing walk on the beach. Participate in a community storytelling circle centering community care, connectedness, and living to thrive. Celebrate a few special community honorees who have been longtime supporters of Window Seat Media. Learn about the community relationships and synergy built over this past year and get excited about what is to come at Window Seat Media in 2023!
WHEN - Saturday, July 9, 2022, 1:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Beach walk at 1:30 P.M. Program begins at 3:00 P.M.
WHERE - Tolmie State Park, Lower Shelter - 7730 61st Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98506
Come to the event for free and donate to the Annual Community Storytelling Campaign 2022!
WHAT - Event Program
Feel free to bring an object for the community storytelling circle that makes you feel connected in community.
This gathering is part of our Annual Community Storytelling Campaign 2022. We intend to make this gathering an annual tradition with Friends of Window Seat Media! The gathering is an opportunity to reflect on where we've been and share where the synergy of our relationships are taking us. The community members present will be the first to hear about where our relationships will take us next into 2023! Register for the event for free and take part in the campaign by becoming a monthly donor.
Become a monthly donor through the campaign! We value all donations, both large and small.
- $5+ monthly - Friends
- $10 monthly - Neighbors
- $25 monthly - Connectors
- $50 monthly - Cultivators
- $100+ monthly - Champions
Covid safety
This is an in-person event in an indoor space with good airflow. We ask that all community members are vaccinated and able to provide appropriate documentation for the COVID-19 vaccine or proof of a negative COVID test within the past 48 hours. Mask up at the discretion of your own personal comfort. We are capping registrations at 50 people.